I’m building a check-in form that showed in front-end. I’m using ACF date and time picker to get actual time when the user clicks the submit button.
The problem is: ACF date and time picker, well, is a picker.
What I want is the user no need to pick the actual date and time. But when users submit the form, the actual time (when submitting) is saved into ACF date-time field.
How to fill the date and time field with the current date and time when the user clicks the submit button?
Thank you.
add_action('acf/save_post', 'set_submit_time');
set_submit_time($post_id) {
// field key of date/time field
// use field key
update_field('field_XXXXXXX', data(Y-m-d H:i:s'), $post_id);
@hube2 you are really a savior. Thanks for helping.
There’s a bit typo, but really, you save the day. So for anyone else out there, here’s the functional code:
# Save the actual time when user click submit
add_action( 'acf/save_post', 'set_submit_time' );
function set_submit_time($post_id) {
update_field('field_XXXXXX', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $post_id);
You can add within functions.php or your singlepage.php before the acf_form_head();
Oh and also, if you need to get local time, change the date to this:
update_field('field_XXXXXX', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', current_time( 'timestamp', 0 )), $post_id);