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Repeater field option

  • Can you add an option (radio) in the repeater-field to return data in:

    – regular order (default)
    – random order (option)
    – inverse order (option)

    and an option (number) to select how many rows to return
    – returned items (number) // default = all
    // 3 = return first 3 items

  • Hi @werther

    This can be achieved with some simple PHP logic in your template.
    Adding these kinds of options in may result in bloating the streamlined aproach that ACF tries to portray.

    That said, I appreciate the feedback, but perhaps you could take a look at the docs for examples on modifying the repeater field?


  • This should work:

    – Create a Field Group
    – Add a Repeater
    – Add Sub Fields to Repeater
    – Add two Radio Button Fields to Field Group (Not as sub fields in the repeater!)

    I have these fields in my Field Group:
    “Repeater” => Repeater Field
    “IMG” => Repeater Sub Field, Field Type = Image, Return Value must be “Image ID”
    “IMG Title” => Repeater Sub Field, Field Type = Text
    “Row Sort” => Field Type = Radio Button, Default Value = “default”, Choices are set to:

    default : default
    random : random
    reverse : reverse

    “Row Limit” => Field Type = Radio Button, Option “Add ‘other’ choice to allow for custom values” is checked. Default Value = “3”, Choices are set to:

    1 : 1
    2 : 2
    3 : 3

    When the user creates a post, they can limit the number of Repeater rows to show and choose how the rows should be sorted (e.g. Random Order + Displaying 5 Rows).

    Tested and works, could probably clean code up or do some of it differently… this is what my tired mind came up with 🙂

    $row_sort = get_field('row_sort' ); // radio button: random/reverse/default
    $row_limit = get_field('row_limit'); // radio button: 1/2/3/Custom
    $rows = get_field('repeater' );
    $sub_field = has_sub_field('repeater');
    $img = get_sub_field('img');
    $img_title = get_sub_field('img_title');
    if($rows) {
        echo '<h3>My List</h3>';
        echo '<ul>';
          for($i=0; $i < $row_limit; $i++) // Limits Rows based on field "Row Limit"
                if($row_sort == "random") { // Random Order
                  /* Display Images Randomly (e.g. If 10 images have been added and Row Limit is set to 5, 5 Random Images will Display), $image[0] will pull the image links */
                  $rand_row = $rows[ array_rand( $rows ) ];
                  $rand_row_image = $rand_row['img' ];
                  $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $rand_row_image, 'full' );
                  echo '<li>';
                  echo $image[0]; // Return Value for Image must be set to "Image ID"
                  echo '</li>';
                } elseif($row_sort == "reverse") { // Reversed Order
                  /* Displays links to images in reversed order. If 10 images and Row Limit is set to 5, Images 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 will display */
                  $rowArray = get_field('repeater' );
                  $reversedArray = array_reverse( $rowArray );
                      if($reversedArray) {
                        $reversedArray = has_sub_field('repeater');
                        $img = get_sub_field('repeater');
                        $img_title = get_sub_field('repeater');
                        echo '<li><a href="' . $img . '">' . $img_title . '</a></li>';
                } else { // Default Order
                  /* Displays list of Image Titles like it normally would, but limited to Row Limit */
                    $default = get_field('repeater' );
                    $default = has_sub_field('repeater');
                      if($default) { 
                          $img_title = get_sub_field('repeater');
                          echo '<li>' . $img_title . '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';
    } ?>
  • Thanks! 🙂

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