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Relationship Field with Custom Taxonomy Filter

  • Hey there awesome people of ACF,

    I have a custom post type called “Menu Items” and a custom taxonomy attached to it to categorize food items like appetizers, main course, dessert, etc.

    I have a custom field Group attached with a relationship field type so users can select various menu items and reorder them accordingly. I have customized this to display the thumbnail image and taxonomy w/ help from the documentation here.

    What I’m trying to do: Extend the relationship field so that I can have a filter for the various custom taxonomies. You see, when someone is creating a menu page they most likely want to group elements by their category. In the default output, the menu items are displayed alphabetically. Users have to scroll, wait for the ajax to load, scroll more, and eventually pick out their menu items. It would be much easier for them to have checkboxes to tick or untick which would display posts according to their taxonomy in the post listing below.

    Here’s images of what I’m talking about. I hope this makes sense!

  • Hey dude!

    I think that if you want to do this you’d have to go into the relationship field file and add the functionality. It shouldnt be too hard since Elliot has already added a filter by post type..

    If you want it to stay “clean” you can copy the field to your theme, rename it and do the changes there and thus creating a custom relationship field beside the regular one.

  • That’s not a bad idea… I was hoping someone else had come across this before or had any code to start from. Otherwise, I may code it up in the next day or so if this thread gets buried.

  • Hi @devinwalker

    Thanks for the great idea. I’ll add this to the to-do

  • +1! This is exactly the kind of feature I requested on the old forum. Such a front-end filter would be immensely useful.

  • Yep, this has been added to the to-do


  • I would like to add that a pending/published filter would be awesome as well. Like if you have a CPT for News, you could filter them by status, or author as well! This could be huge!!

  • I think that if all of these are implemented it’d be important that you’d have to option to enable or disable them..

    I feel like this is on the verge of becoming one of those monsters where most people wont ever use the features added and just find it annoying

  • This feature has not yet included to the latest version 4.3.2 🙁

  • Hey

    I have a same problem az well but can’t make it work. Anyone can send me a working one? I didn’t found anything useful about that 🙁


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