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Relationship field inherit terms of custom Taxonomy

  • Hello,

    With CPT UI I created 3 kinds of CPT :
    Sports Clubs
    Sports Practices
    Sports Installations
    also with CPT UI I created a custom taxonomy “Sports” I linked with all these 3 CPT
    terms of Sports are Tennis, Yoga, Football, Badminton, etc.
    Several Sport Practices propose some Sport, each Sport Practice is unique with a certain correspondant phone# etc and is practiced in a unique location (Sport Installations) and proposed by a certain Sport Club.

    So you can have several practices in a Sport Club, several Practices proposed by a Club several Practices in an installation (e.g a swimming pool) but a certain Practice is proposed for only one Club in only one Sport Installation.

    I created group of fields for each CPT an bidirectional relationship fields.
    Then I use Elementor , Dynamic addon with relationship and sections templates to build my website, researches, filters, facets, etc.

    I did some additional coding for filtering what happens in relationship metabox in admin.

    It works fine.

    It could work finer using taxonomy terms for filtering purposes.

    I added taxonomy fields in each group for each CPT and synced with ‘Sports’ taxonomy .
    Some are one choice (sports practices) some are multiple (Clubs, Installations).
    I added also a taxonomy field using three tags : adults, children, all ages
    (I could create an additional taxonomy but I did not)

    Is there a way to automatically get a term in CPT relateds.

    Example :
    I have a Yoga practice for children (term Yoga tag children)
    I have a Yoga practice for adults (term Yoga tag adults)
    I have a Water-Polo practice for adults (term Water-Polo tag adults)

    When I edit CPT “Club ABC)
    I choose these 3 practices in relationship fields and Club ABC will have automatically terms Yoga and Water-Polo and tags adults and children.

    Same when a Sport Installation CPT will be related with one ore more practices.

    I will first edit practices and put a Sports term and a “age” tag because for each it is unique and I would like from there populate Clubs and Installations.
    So the fields clubs <=> practices and installations <=> practices are involved.

    I hope my explanations are clear.

    Thanks for any help.

  • Out of curiosity Marc, have you found a resolve? I am in the same scenario but with different products.

  • I am having a similar issue, but just a little different. I have a search filter that can look into the acf fields for the taxonomies, so I made taxonomy fields in ACF and matched the name with my term names for WordPress. But when I input tags and categories into the boxes provided by WordPress, they do not show in the fields I created with ACF. But, if I first put them in the ACF field, they then show in the WordPress one. I am using the ACF taxonomy field. Is there a way to make that bidirectional so they both show in both spots? I have the post 2 post plugin for bidirectional, but it doesn’t seem to work with taxonomies.

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