I need some help because I’m trying to setup a page with joboffers and selectable companies where a company might have more than one location.
I’ll try to explain my problem:
I have a custom post type “Jobs”.
I have a custom post type “Companies”.
Some Companies will have multiple locations.
I did setup field group (jobfields) with a relationship field for the post type filter “Companies” so that a company can be assigned to a job.
But now, after assigning a company to a job it should also be possible to select locations out of the locations which are assigned to that company that is selected in the relationship field.
I would like to have a possibility to assign locations to the custom post type “Company”.
Than when adding a job and selecting one company I would like to have the possibility to select only locations which are assigned to the selected company.
In the end there should be a job assigned to company and assigned to selected locations.
I don’t know if I should setup the locations as terms of a taxonomy called “locations” which can be assigned to the companies.
I tried that but couldn’t get it working that only the assigned locations from a company are shown to select. I always had all locations to select from.
Or is it better to have another custom post type e.g. “locations” which can be assigned with another relation field in the company post type. But than I don’t know how to setup the fields for that.
I’m sorry if it sounds a bit confusing but I hope someone gets my point and have an idea how to get this done.