I am using a group field with the user object as a subfield. I want to setup $args to query only posts that has the current user as this subfield. I cannot find any documentation how to setup the meta key and value for this scenario. Could you explain how to this?
ACF stores a list of user IDs as a serialized array.
The meta key of the field will be "{$group_field_name}_{$sub_field_name}"
your meta query might look something like this
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => "{$group_field_name}_{$sub_field_name}",
'value => '"'.$user_id.'"',
'compare' => 'LIKE'
It took a while to circle back. But this worked perfectly. In my explanation, I mentioned that the subfield was the user object, but that was not correct: the output type was user object but the user ACF field indeed saves the user id. Thanks a lot!!