Hello guys I have a question with pages options ACF, and I do not know how to fix it.
Basically I built three different pages
– THEME OPTIONS (30 fields)
– SOCIAL OPTIONS (5 fields)
– EXTRA OPTIONS (7 courses)
I noticed that when acf save a page options, and as if was managing at the same time all three pages.
I would like, not to overload the server, each page is saved individually.
I read this post, but it is not very experienced with PHP does not know how to do
The user has been very kind, but I was not able to replicate his suggestion. And ‘possible to have some practical real case?
My page Option is this code:
if( function_exists('acf_add_options_page') ) {
'page_title' => __('Contatti e Social','chickrestaurant'),
'menu_title' => __('Contatti e Social','chickrestaurant'),
'menu_slug' => 'contatti-restaurant',
'position' => 181
'page_title' => __('Servizi Extra','chickrestaurant'),
'menu_title' => __('Servizi Extra','chickrestaurant'),
'menu_slug' => 'social-restaurant',
'position' => 182
'page_title' => __('Identità Ristorante','chickrestaurant'),
'menu_title' => __('Design Ristorante','chickrestaurant'),
'menu_slug' => 'setting-restaurant',
'capability' => 'manage_options',
'position' => 187
Thank you very much,
As far as I know ACF only submits and updates the values associated with the field groups that are attached to the options page being saved, it does not submit and save all of the options on all of the options pages.
Why do you think this is happening?
Unfortunately not, the options pages are managed and saved all together. If I for example I have 4 options pages, these pages will be saved and analyzed simultaneously.
I’m a little lost about what you mean. The only values that are being saved are for one options page. All of the fields from other options pages are not submitted when you update an options page. You’ll need to explain further what it is that you’re doing… are you trying to detect in a save_post function which options page is being saved.
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