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Pre purchase

  • Hi –

    I want to use this plugin as part of a WordPress install that is going to be a content management system for an App we’re making in Adobe Air.

    We’re using WP to send content to a webstagewindow in Air but links and videos are problematic.

    So I want to use this plugin to add url links to posts that we can access via a different part of the app.

    I have set up a custom field that contains the link as text – but can I call that information somehow using a modified url (?) or something so I can return the value in the custom field to the App.

    I’m not a code expert so apologies if this request sounds back to front – if it’s not clear let me know and I’ll try again.

    Basically I just want to find a way to call what is within the custom field in a WP post – and return that info to the App….



  • If this info is posted elsewhere please point me at it – or if there is not way to do this with ACF no problem just let me know…

  • Hi @bellyfeel

    I would recommend using the acf page link field type and get the value using get_field.

    Here are some related materials

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