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Post Object or Relationship like for Taxonomy?

  • Hello,

    If I want to list some custom-selected posts on a page, I would create a post object field on the option page and allow the user to select the posts they want to display.

    What about Taxonomy Terms? For instance, if I want to display custom-selected tags from post_tag and show them on a page, is there a way to select those objects and retrieve them on the frontend? (Something you can see on a blog site a sidebar displaying a list of popular tags for visitors to select. However, I want to have them manually selected.)

    Is it possible or is there any workaround?


  • Yes, it is indeed possible to manually select taxonomy terms, such as tags, for display on a page in WordPress. To achieve this, you can use a similar approach to what you would use for selecting posts. First, create a custom field on your options page where you can add taxonomy terms. This could be accomplished using a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) or by creating a custom options page with code. In the custom field, you would allow the user to select terms from the desired taxonomy (e.g., post_tag). On the frontend, you can then retrieve and display these selected terms by querying the options page where they were stored. This approach allows you to have a static list of selected tags displayed on your page, which can be styled and utilized just like a dynamic tag cloud but with manually curated terms.

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