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Post Object once selected will not allow different selection

  • Hello everyone,

    Been an avid user of ACF for a while now though mainly using it for simple text, image, repeater, flexible content fields, etc. Ran into my first issue that 2 hours of google searches can’t resolve.

    I’ve added two post_object fields to a page in which I’m pulling the permalink, feat image, title, and excerpts from two posts onto a page. I’ve turned on the allow null setting under the impression that I could make a selection then remove that selection and select something else.

    Once I select a post in the field I can remove it but the dropdown is then either a. empty or b. only has that result. Am I misunderstanding or using this feature somehow? I was hoping as time moved on I could deselect the current posts selected and update them to new ones but this seems like it assigns them permanently.

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