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Post object in Flexible Content

  • Hello friends,
    I start with ACF, and I already have my first question.

    I have a flexible content named “experiences”
    In this flexible content, i have a layout named “agrement_du_centre” type : Post Object
    I would like to collect the custom fields of this post

    this should give a “Post object” in “Flexible Content”

    <div class="experiences">
    // Check value exists.
    if( have_rows('experiences') ):
                    echo '<h2 data-fontsize="24" data-lineheight="27">Expériences</h2><table class="listexp"><tr class="title"><td class ="date-in">Du</td><td class ="date-out">Au</td><td class ="agrement">Agrément du centre</td><td class ="adresse">Adresse</td><td class ="notif">Notification</td></tr>';
        // Loop through rows.
        while ( have_rows('experiences') ) : the_row();
            // Case: Paragraph layout.
            if( get_row_layout() == 'experience' ):
                $du = get_sub_field('date_entree');
                $au = get_sub_field('date_sortie');
                $ctrlid = get_sub_field('agrement_du_centre');            
                $notif = get_sub_field('notification_ch_ctrl');
                    echo '<tr><td class ="date-in">' . $du . '</td>
                      <td class ="date-out">' . $au . '</td>
    <?php $post_object = get_field(' . $ctrlid . ');
    if( $post_object ): 
        // override $post
        $post = $post_object;
        setup_postdata( $post ); 
            <td class="agrement"><?php the_title(); ?><?php the_field('experiences_0_agrement_du_centre'); ?></td><td class="adresse"><?php the_field('cp_du_centre'); ?> <?php the_field('ville_du_centre'); ?></td>
        <?php wp_reset_postdata(); // IMPORTANT - reset the $post object so the rest of the page works correctly ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
                      <td class ="notif"><a href="' . $notif . '" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i></a></td></tr>'; 
        echo '</table>';
        echo '<h2 data-fontsize="24" data-lineheight="27">Expériences</h2><p><i>Aucune expérience</i></p>';
    endif; ?>

    But that does not work
    You will tell me “obviously”. But I want to understand why ?

  • This is getting your post object field

    $ctrlid = get_sub_field('agrement_du_centre'); 

    What is this field set to return?
    In any case this will not return anything because the value returned above is either an id or a post object.

    $post_object = get_field(' . $ctrlid . ');

    Taking a wild guess by looking at this since you named the value $ctrlid that you are returning the post ID then you would get fields from this other post by using

    get_field('field-name-on-other-post', $ctrlid);

    on the other hand if $ctrlid is a post object then you’d use

    get_field('field-name-on-other-post', $ctrlid->ID);
  • Hi John,
    Thanks for your help

    My problem was general PHP, I did PHP in PHP.

    So I opened and closed correctly my php tag

    Thank you for helping me on the fact that I used the code of the post_object like in the documentation here

    Thank you for telling me that I could use the get_field simply

    <div class="experiences">
    // Check value exists.
    if( have_rows('experiences') ):
                    echo '<h2 data-fontsize="24" data-lineheight="27">Expériences</h2><table class="listexp"><tr class="title"><td class ="date-in">Du</td><td class ="date-out">Au</td><td class ="agrement">Agrément du centre</td><td class ="adresse">Adresse</td><td class ="notif">Notification</td></tr>';
        // Loop through rows.
        while ( have_rows('experiences') ) : the_row();
            // Case: Paragraph layout.
            if( get_row_layout() == 'experience' ):
                $du = get_sub_field('date_entree');
                $au = get_sub_field('date_sortie');
                $ctrlid = get_sub_field('agrement_du_centre');            
                $notif = get_sub_field('notification_ch_ctrl'); ?>
                <?php echo '<tr><td class ="date-in">' . $du . '</td>' ?>
                <?php echo '<td class ="date-out">' . $au . '</td>' ?>
                <?php echo '<td class ="agrement">' ?>
                <?php echo get_the_title( $ctrlid ); ?>
                <?php echo '</td>' ?>
                <?php echo '<td class ="adresse">' ?>
                <?php the_field('cp_du_centre', $ctrlid); ?> <?php the_field('ville_du_centre', $ctrlid); ?>
                <?php echo '</td>' ?>
                <?php echo '<td class ="notif"><a href="' . $notif . '" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i></a></td></tr>'; ?>
            <?php endif;
        echo '</table>';
        echo '<h2 data-fontsize="24" data-lineheight="27">Nombre de VTP par année</h2><p><i>Aucune valeur</i></p>';
    endif; ?>

    In the input form in wp_admin : $ctrlid is a post selector that returns the id of the selected post.

    This code could be light, I would take the time to heal my code later

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