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Play audio trough a ACF field using HTML and shortcode

  • I am trying to play a audio file when a user clicks on icon. The audio should be determined through a ACF. I am currently trying the following:

    <div class=”player”>

    <source src=”<?php the_field(‘audio_url’); ?>”

    But, it does not work. How can I make this work? I have also tried to use direct shortcode, like this:

    <source src=”=”[acf field='audio_url']“>”
    The audio is not playing. I am struggling to manage to get the audio url from a custom field on the page. See this URL for the live icon:

  • exactly where and how are you trying to add this code?

  • Sorry late answer, I have added a beaver builder HTML module with the code I mention in last comment. Together with some Javascript lines, they are displaying this icon:

    The problem is pointing to a custom field inside the HTML.

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