Current version of acf pro Version 5.12 breaks wordpress site when site is updated to php 8.0. but works with php 7.4. Is there a solution to this problem ?
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_field() in /nas/wp-content/live/dlymarketing/wp-content/themes/dly/page-home.php:70\nStack trace:\n#0 /nas/wp-content/live/dlymarketing/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include()\n#1 /nas/wp-content/live/dlymarketing/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once(‘/nas/wp-content/li…’)\n#2 /nas/wp-content/live/dlymarketing/index.php(17): require(‘/nas/wp-content/li…’)\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /nas/wp-content/live/dlymarketing/wp-content/themes/dly/page-home.php on line 70
<?php $page_color = get_field(‘page_color’); ?>
The only reason that you would get an undefined function error for get_field()
is if ACF in not installed when the function is called. The change in PHP should not affect the loading of the ACF plugin.