I use ACF with WP Download Manager and I try to display packages in a post type.
I built a relation field and I can see packages in the post type.
The problem appears when I change the package name and slug.
The package name remains unchanged.
Do you have an idea how to refresh the list of packages?
Hi @motyla
Sorry, can you please clarify the issue? I don’t understand what a package is or where the list is that you speak of.
Perhaps some sreenshots will help to explain?
I inserted wp download manager packages into the post type edit page:
I can see these packages as a regular list. The problem is when changing the name of the package – it does not refreshing in the list as above.
I wonder if it’s ACF or WPDM issue.
ACF works well with post types and posts and there’s no hassle with them.
Hi @motyla
I’m not 100% I understand: “I inserted wp download manager packages into the post type edit page:”
Is a ‘package’ a custom post type?
You then say “ACF works well with post types and posts and there’s no hassle with them. ” so why is this issue only with “package”?
Also, how do you “changing the name of the package”
Perhaps there is some cache issue going on with the post?
Hi elliot, no unfortunately the package is not a custom post type. It based on pages.
There must exist some kind of caching I cannot purge..