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Not refreshing titles in related items view

  • Hi,
    I use ACF with WP Download Manager and I try to display packages in a post type.
    I built a relation field and I can see packages in the post type.
    The problem appears when I change the package name and slug.
    The package name remains unchanged.

    Do you have an idea how to refresh the list of packages?

  • Hi @motyla

    Sorry, can you please clarify the issue? I don’t understand what a package is or where the list is that you speak of.

    Perhaps some sreenshots will help to explain?


  • Hi,
    I inserted wp download manager packages into the post type edit page:

    I can see these packages as a regular list. The problem is when changing the name of the package – it does not refreshing in the list as above.

    I wonder if it’s ACF or WPDM issue.

    ACF works well with post types and posts and there’s no hassle with them.

  • Hi @motyla

    I’m not 100% I understand: “I inserted wp download manager packages into the post type edit page:”

    Is a ‘package’ a custom post type?

    You then say “ACF works well with post types and posts and there’s no hassle with them. ” so why is this issue only with “package”?

    Also, how do you “changing the name of the package”

    Perhaps there is some cache issue going on with the post?

  • Hi elliot, no unfortunately the package is not a custom post type. It based on pages.
    There must exist some kind of caching I cannot purge..

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