Hi, I’ve got problems creating new fields in the backend. The whole part for creating new elements disappeared from the group edit screen: https://imgur.com/a/KRGTwXh
The problem is caused by the common.min.css of wordpress (path /wp-admin/css/common.min.css), that is setting the “inside” element to display none, when a parent element has the additional class “closed”: https://imgur.com/a/zi6Enm5
<div id="acf-field-group-fields" class="postbox closed">
is the parent element
But I don’t know why this element has the class “closed”, on my other projects it’s working normally and this element hasn’t this class at all.
Any solution for this problem? Thanks a lot!
Edit: I’ve already tried changing the theme and deactivating all other plugins. I also tried out the normal version (normally I’m using ACF Pro), but the problem remains the same.
After reading further threads I came up with this solution provided by James:
And it works. So this thread is solved. Thanks 😛