I have created a new Custom Fields and assigned the location to the pages. I can see the Custom fields in the edit page, but when I view I cannot see that fields.
ACF does not automatically add custom fields to the front end of a site and requires that you edit the templates of your theme to show the values. ACF also has limited capability to let you use shortcodes in the content editor https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/shortcode/
Check out Getting Started documentation listed here
Thanks John for the response. I am very new to this plugin. If you can explain more, that will be greatly appreciated.I have created some custom fields for the pages . I have written the theme template from scratch.What short code i have to add to my page.php to display that custom fields in my front end of the site?
It depends on what type of field it is and what settings you’ve used. There is example code for every type of field in ACF in the documentation for each field type https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/#field-types
Thanks for the quick response!.If i have multiple field types in one custom group, do i have to include code for each type of field in template file?