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No links inside paragraphs – wysiwyg editor

  • Hello, I used ACF on the website I recently created. I wanted to make a customizable paragraph with links inside, so I made a WYSIWYG editor field. No matter what I do, if the dynamic content is inside the <p> tag, it ignores all links and pastes them as simple text. It works without <p> tags without any problems, but I want to keep the paragraph tags as I feel it would affect SEO in the future.

    Code I used to paste content:
    <?php the_field("opis_wydawnictwa_1", 99, false, false); ?>

    True, true parameter creates the <p> tag but ignores links. If I add <p> tags myself in HTML it creates the same issue.

    Is there any way to keep <p> tags and make all links work?

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