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Nested loop flexible and repeater – Organizing datas

  • Hello dear ACF developers,

    I’m trying to modify Woocommerce prices, using a nested ACF loop.
    An image worth thousand words, so here is the organization of my custom prices tables.


    First, i’m storing those custom values as $cart_object datas.
    (Those stored datas are used after, in my calculation functions).
    Here is my storing function:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_cart_item_data', 'woocommunity_custom_cart_item_data', 20, 3 );
    function woocommunity_custom_cart_item_data( $cart_item_data, $product_id, $variation_id ) {
    //The loop is well targeted using function parameter
    if(have_rows('custom_prices_grids', $product_id)):
    $matrice_count = 1; //Counting main loop to organize datas in their matrix
    while(have_rows('custom_prices_grids', $product_id)): the_row();
    $var_limits = get_sub_field('custom_prices_variation_limitations');
    	//Targeting layout
    	if( get_row_layout() == 'custom_prices_grid_details' ):
    		//Reorder each field in arrays (
    		while(have_rows('custom_prices_quantity_steps')): the_row();
    			$min_qty[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_quantity_min'));
    			$max_qty[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_quantity_max'));
    			$custom_price[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_qty_new_price'));
    			$fixed_price_var[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_qty_fixed_value'));
    			$percent_price_var[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_qty_percent_value'));
    			$var_type[] = get_sub_field('price_type_calculation');
    		//Storing those fields in their matrix as $cart_item_datas
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['promo_type'] = $var_type;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['min_qty'] = $min_qty;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['max_qty'] = $max_qty;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['new_price'] = $custom_price;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['fixed_vars'] = $fixed_price_var;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['percent_vars'] = $percent_price_var;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['limits_by_var'] = $var_limits;
    endwhile; endif;
    //All datas are well returned but are not organized as i wanted
    return $cart_item_data;

    My first matrix is fine, but my second matrix get values of current and previous row.
    If you add let’s say 3 matrix, the second loop will output values of loop 1 and 2 / third loop will output values of loop 1, 2 and 3 (and so on if you add more).

    Here is a screen of my output second loop’s matrix (2 matrix added in this example).

    This second loop should output only the values of the current loop (2).
    How can i get rid of the previous loop ?
    Am i missing something here ?

    I hope i’m clear with my problem.
    Thanks in advance,


  • Thanks to a friend, i finally managed to organize my datas.

    When you’re creating an array to store your values in a loop, this array doesn’t reset at each loop.
    You just have to reset it after each nested loop.

    And voilĂ ! You have some custom $cart_object datas, ready to use to modify prices based on whatever you want.
    Maybe there is a cleaner way to do it, but for now, it’s working as attended for WordPress 4.9.x/5.x.x and Woocommerce 3.5+.

    If it could be usefull for anyone here is the corrected code

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_cart_item_data', 'woocommunity_custom_cart_item_data', 20, 3 );
    function woocommunity_custom_cart_item_data( $cart_item_data, $product_id, $variation_id ) {
    //Targeting right product using function parameter
    //And counting main loop to organize datas in their matrix
    if(have_rows('custom_prices_grids', $product_id)):
    $matrice_count = 0;
    while(have_rows('custom_prices_grids', $product_id)): the_row();
    	//General limitation - already good to go
    	$var_limits = get_sub_field('custom_prices_variation_limitations');
    	$role_limits = get_sub_field('custom_prices_role_limitations');
    	//Targeting layout - really facultative here as i have a single layout
    	if( get_row_layout() == 'custom_prices_grid_details' ):
    		//Reorder each field in arrays
    		while(have_rows('custom_prices_quantity_steps')): the_row();
    			$min_qty[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_quantity_min'));
    			$max_qty[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_quantity_max'));
    			$custom_price[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_qty_new_price'));
    			$fixed_price_var[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_qty_fixed_value'));
    			$percent_price_var[] = intval(get_sub_field('custom_prices_qty_percent_value'));
    			$var_type[] = get_sub_field('price_type_calculation');
    		//Storing those fields in their matrice as $cart_item_datas
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['promo_type'] = $var_type;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['min_qty'] = $min_qty;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['max_qty'] = $max_qty;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['new_price'] = $custom_price;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['fixed_vars'] = $fixed_price_var;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['percent_vars'] = $percent_price_var;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['limits_by_var'] = $var_limits;
    		$cart_item_data['matrice-'.$matrice_count]['limits_by_role'] = $role_limits;
    		//Cleaning arrays at each loop
    		//Contrary to single values stored - Our arrays don't reset at each loop
    endwhile; endif;
    return $cart_item_data;
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