i have a repeater field , when the post have more that 106 rows i get 404 when trying to save… before i could save more that 100 rows (they have only a few filds inside)
when i run phpinfo i can see:
local. master
max_execution_time 10000 10000
max_file_uploads 20 20
max_input_nesting_level 256 64
max_input_time -1 -1
max_input_vars 20000 10000
memory_limit 1G 1G
i think i change this to this high values… what could it be ? i also tryed :
* Increase ACF Repeater row limit
function my_acf_repeater_settings( $field ) {
$field[‘max’] = 5000; // Change this value to your desired limit
return $field;
add_filter(‘acf/fields/repeater/settings’, ‘my_acf_repeater_settings’);
no luck .. my acf is Ver5.12.3 … can any kind soul help me? tanks
Have you tried the latest ACF version? It supports pagination on repeater fields to help with load time.