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Need help with creating new field type with ACF

  • Hello!
    I started to use ACF a few days ago. I want to create a new field type. I followed the instructions of the official site. But i don’t understand something.
    I want my field contain two text-area.
    I don’t really know how to do it. So i created a new field, it’s appearing in the edit-page, but i can’t handle the two values. Here is how my create_field function looks like in the php-file of my field (i think that’s what i need to change):

    function create_field( $field ){ ?>
          <tr> <th scope="col">Year</th> <th scope="col">Text</th> </tr>
              <?php echo '<textarea id="' . $field['id'] . 'year"
                  class="' . $field['class'] . '"
                  name="' . $field['name'] . 'year" >'
                  . $field['value']['year'] .
              <?php echo '<textarea id="' . $field['id'] . 'text"
                class="' . $field['class'] . '"
                name="' . $field['name'] . 'text" >'
                  . $field['value']['text'] .

    Now, ACF always save the value of the second text-area. What i don’t understand, is how ACF know to save that? And how can i save the value of the first too?

    I’m also interested in tutorials if you can suggest me anything in this field.
    I tried to find more field-types in the internet (more than the built in ones), but i didn’t found anything.

    Thanks for your help:

  • Hi @Koli14

    Have you looked at the HTML source that this PHP produces? I believe your textarea will have a name like this:


    but what you want is:


    Adding the extra square brackets will allow the data to be correctly posted

  • Yes, i checked the generated HTML source, and played with a few versions (with brackets, in quotes…), i’m not expert in PHP…
    It still not working, maybe i asked the question wrong.
    So the name of the textarea is how ACF knows which field to save (not the ID or class)? So if i want two textarea, they need to have different names.
    Now the working field has a name: $field[‘name’] which generates: fields[field_51fbdeb7f1609].
    What should i add as a name to the second textarea, and how can i get the value of it?
    I can get the value of the field with the $field[‘value’], but it’s just the value of the textare with the name: $field[‘name’].
    Uhhh, maybe it’s a bit too complicated for me…

  • Hi @Koli14

    Yes, it is the name which is used to post data.

    As mentioned above, if you want to send 2 textarea’s in the same name, you will need to use square brackets to tell the browser it is an array of information.

    For example, you want the output to be:

    <textarea name="fields[field_123][textarea_1]"></textarea>
    <textarea name="fields[field_123][textarea_2]"></textarea>
  • I tried already what you write, and then the HTML result is:

    <textarea id="acf-field-text-year" class="year_n_text" name="f"></textarea>
    <textarea id="acf-field-vita-year" class="year_n_text" name="f"></textarea>
  • Hi @Koli14

    The output does not look correct.
    Please attach the code you are using in the create_field function

  • I’m sure that a lot of thing missing from my field to work, but i have no idea what.
    Here is my hole field:

    class acf_field_year_n_text extends acf_field{
      var $settings, 
      function __construct(){
        $this->name = 'year_n_text';
        $this->label = __('Year and text');
        $this->category = __("Content",'acf');
        $this->defaults = array(
          'default_value'  =>  '',
          'formatting'   =>  'br',
        $this->settings = array(
          'path' => apply_filters('acf/helpers/get_path', __FILE__),
          'dir' => apply_filters('acf/helpers/get_dir', __FILE__),
          'version' => '1.0.0'
      function create_options($field){
        $key = $field['name'];
        <tr class="field_option field_option_<?php echo $this->name; ?>">
          <td class="label">
            <label><?php _e("Formatting",'acf'); ?></label>
            <p class="description"><?php _e("Define how to render html tags",'acf'); ?></p>
            do_action('acf/create_field', array(
              'type'  =>  'select',
              'name'  =>  'fields['.$key.'][formatting]',
              'name2'  =>  'fields['.$key.'2][formatting]',
              'value'  =>  $field['formatting'],
              'choices' => array(
                'none'  =>  __("None",'acf'),
                'br'  =>  __("auto <br />",'acf'),
                'html'  =>  __("HTML",'acf'),
      function create_field( $field ){
        <table >
            <th scope="col">Year</th>
            <th scope="col">Text</th>
            <?php var_dump ($field['value']); ?>
              <?php echo '<textarea 
                id="' . $field['id'] . '" 
                class="' . $field['class'] . '"
                name="' . $field['name']['textarea_1'] . '" >'
                  . $field['value']['textarea_1'] . 
              <?php echo '<textarea 
                id="' . $field['id'] . '" 
                class="' . $field['class'] . '"
                name="' . $field['name']['textarea_2'] . '" >'
                  . $field['value']['textarea_2'] . 
      function input_admin_enqueue_scripts(){
        wp_register_script('acf-input-year_n_text', $this->settings['dir'] . 'js/input.js', array('acf-input'), $this->settings['version']);
        wp_register_style('acf-input-year_n_text', $this->settings['dir'] . 'css/input.css', array('acf-input'), $this->settings['version']);
    new acf_field_year_n_text();
  • This is incorrect:

     name="' . $field['name']['textarea_2'] . '" >'

    It should be:

     name="' . $field['name'] . '[textarea_2]" >'

    There is a major different between the 2

  • Thanks, yes, now i understand why!

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