I just updated 3 custom fields, and the name field is now serialized in each field. When I try to edit it, it remains serialized. I don’t have any translation plugins activated.
ACF and ACF pro are installed.
Any ideas why this would be happening? It breaks the front end relying on these fields.
Screenshot what it looks like with some data redacted.

There is not enough information to tell what you are looking at or why it’s doing what it’s doing.
I put a value (ie: test_name) in the Name field and when I save/update it, it saves as the values you see there a:18:{s:4……
For some reason, the values entered are being stored as serialized values on save.
You have some type of plugin or theme conflict. Start by deactivating plugins and switching themes to narrow down the cause.
That was the first thing I tried and still the same outcome. Perhaps it is a plugin that was deactivated that left bad artifacts or a filter or something? Is there a way to better debug what is going on, pinpointing where the data is being converted or filtered?
It has to be something that is filtering the post_excerpt when a post is saved. In the new version of ACF this is where the field name is stored. What you are seeing in the name field is the field definition that ACF now stores in the post_content. My guess here is that something is attempting to automatically create post excerpts based on content.