After the upgrade to WordPress 6.1 yesterday, most of our acf-blocks have disappeared from Gutenberg. I cannot select them anymore, and where they are used already, we only see these warning messages:
Your site doesn’t include support for the “acf/{block-name-here}” block. You can leave this block intact or remove it entirely.
This does not seem to affect the front end, where they continue to work fine.
This is with the latest ACF Pro (6.0.3). I have already contacted support, but no answer yet.
Anyone seeing this problem, too? At the moment we are unable to edit our daily newsletter, which is a big problem for us.
I have just taken over a site that uses ACF BLOCKS. After updating ACF 6.0, it broke a few things, so I had to reinstall the last version before ACF 6.0.
I have just tested our staging site on WP 6.1 and all is still working fine. My point being that it might not be WP, but ACF now causing the issue. If you are happy it is not ACF because you have tested WP 6.1 with ACF 5.12.4. This is how we have registered our acf blocks.
function register_acf_block_types() {
// register CTA block.
'name' => 'cta',
'title' => __('CTA'),
'description' => __('A custom cta block.'),
'render_template' => 'blocks/cta.php',
'render_callback' => 'my_acf_block_render_callback',
'category' => 'formatting',
'icon' => 'admin-comments',
'keywords' => array( 'cta', 'custom' ),
'mode' => 'edit'
// Check if function exists and hook into setup.
if( function_exists('acf_register_block_type') ) {
add_action('acf/init', 'register_acf_block_types');