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Modularise flexible content with one template file per layout

  • Hi.

    I’m looking for some tips for how I can modularise my frontend code a bit. I’m using flexible fields to build a “page builder” of some kind. I would like to split my template for the frontend, since it becomes quite overwhelming when having many layouts with lot’s of fields, repeaters etc.

    I would like to loop through and call a template for each layout. Have anyone done something like this and do you have any tips or suggestions?

  • Yes, use get_template_part(),


    Create a flex field with 2 layouts named “layout1” and “layout2”.

    Create a folder in your theme named “layouts” …wp-content/themes/your-theme/layouts

    In this folder create 2 files layout-layout1.php and layout-layout2.php

    if (have_rows('flex_field')) {
      while (have_rows('flex_field')) {
        get_template_part('layouts/layout', get_row_layout());
  • Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for!

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