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Maps Conflict ACF with WP User Frontend Pro

  • Hello,
    I have problem with my site regarding ACF and WP User Frontend Pro.

    When WPUF plugin activated, the ACF submit button in front end not working when clicked.

    At first i think i got js error, because i got error in my console :

    You have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.

    I try to make modification to WPUF plugin with removing all google maps enqueue_script.

    It works, the console didn’t generate any error related maps api.
    But still submit button not working.
    When i deactivate the WPUF, the ACF form works perfectly.

    Note that I use ACF bundled from my theme (Atlas Directory theme). It use ACF for front end.

    Hope someone can help.

  • You can remove this line from wpuf.php, line 167.

    wp_enqueue_script( 'google-maps', $scheme . '://' );

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