Im creating a front-end request form using acf_form which creates a post on submission. The administrator can then go and review the post and approve/reject it.
Within the post iv set up some acf fields including a user field so that they can see who has created the post/made the request.
Below is my form at the moment. I know i havent added in the ‘new_post’ bits yet to create the post and the reason for multiple acf_forms is for layout reasons.
My query is that is there a way to automatically update one of my acf fields? I need the user field to automatically select themself (current user) so when they create the user field has them selected (rather than having to select themself from a list of users). Im sure its simple, but how would i go about this?
<form id="post" class="acf-form" action="" method="post">
<?php acf_form(array(
'fields' => array('field_59246521cd289'),
'form' => false,
)); ?>
<?php acf_form(array(
'fields' => array('field_5924656acd28a'),
'form' => false,
)); ?>
<?php acf_form(array(
'fields' => array('field_592465a7cd28b'),
'form' => false,
)); ?>
<div class="acf-form-submit">
<input type="submit" class="acf-button button button-primary button-large" value="Submit Request">
<span class="acf-spinner"></span>
I would not include the user field on the front end form at all, it would be a field that only the site admin could manage on the back end.
In the pre_save_post filter that you’ll be creating I would get the current user ID and then after adding the post I’d use update_field() https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/update_field/ to update the user field. Make sure you use the field key when calling update_field() and not the field name for $selector.