Hey guys,
I would like to have a text field show up in admin, editable to a specific administrator but its value must be available/viewable to everyone on the front.
So, I’m using the acf_render_field_setting() function together with a filter “acf/prepare_field” (explained here).
The problem is I don’t know how to build the conditionals inside the if statement correct in order to achieve this. Can someone please help?
Currently I have this:
// Make sure to only show to administrators in admin but to everyone on the front
add_filter('acf/prepare_field', 'my_admin_only_prepare_field');
function my_admin_only_prepare_field( $field ) {
// bail early if no 'admin_only' setting
if( empty($field['admin_only']) ) return $field;
// return false if is not admin (removes field)
if( !current_user_can('administrator')) return false;
if(!is_admin()) return $field;
// return
return $field;
Ok I solved it, kind of, by setting Show if rules to:
Current User Role is equal to Administrator AND
Post Type is equal to ‘my_custom_post_type’