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Make relationship content accessible to wp search

  • I have a Product (CPT) page like:

    The first 2 tabs on the bottom (Overview, Resources) are ACF boxes on the edit product page, and then the other tabs (Cell Culture, Insect, etc) are all pulled in using the Relationship field. It was set up this way since multiple products share common info, so this way it can be updated once and apply the changes wherever it’s used.

    That tab content CPT is excluded from search since the pages themselves aren’t useful. It doesn’t seem like the wp_search feature is looking at any of the Relationship content. Is there a way to make that visible to search?

  • WP search will not look at content in related post and there isn’t any way to do this unless you copy the content from the related post into the post you are relating in from.

    You can try this:

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