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Loop acf/load_field with 'foreach'

  • Hi folks,

    The basic idea is that for each option name in the array $select_fields, it will return and load dynamically dropdown lists.

    The code works if I don’t insert it in a loop. The problem is that I would have to copy too many times the same function in my function.php file, not really efficient!

    Here is my attempt so far in loading the function ‘load_select’ in a loop.

    Hope someone can help as this would save me heaps of time !

    Thanks in advance.

    // Loop
    $select_fields = array( 'boat-bow', 'boat-stern' );
    foreach ($select_fields as $var ){ add_filter('acf/load_field/name=' . $var . '-select', 'load_select' ); };
    function load_select ( $field ) {
    // Get Selected + Default Values
    $design_id = get_field('relationship');
    $quantity = get_field( $var , $design_id);
    $default = get_field( $var . '-default' , $design_id, false);
    $default_price = get_field( 'price', $default) * $quantity;
    // Query All Choices
    $choices_query = get_posts(array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'schedule', 'category_name' => $var ));
    foreach ( $choices_query as $choice ) {
    $item = get_field('item', $choice->ID, false);
    $description = get_field('description', $choice->ID, false);
    $total = get_field('price', $choice->ID) * $quantity - $default_price;
    $choices[$choice->ID] = '<b>' . $item . '</b> | ' . $description . ' | $' . $total ;
    // Reset + Load Select Field
    $field['choices'] = array();
    $field['choices'] = $choices;
    $field['default_value'] = $default;
    return $field;
  • I’m not exactly sure what you’re having a problem with here. Can you explain a little more?

  • Hi John,

    Thanks for your help.

    var_dump($var) returns NULL and var_dump($field) returns all my custom ‘schedule’ posts, as if category_name -> 'my_category' was not functioning/filtering properly inside the get_posts() function.

    I would like to know if there is any other way of looping acf/load_field with foreach as the code shown above does not work at the moment.

  • I believe that ‘catagory_name’ only works with posts in the ‘Post’ post type, but I could be wrong.

    Have you attached the standard WP category taxonomy to the custom post type?

  • Hi John,

    I have tried the code outside the loop and it is working.

    It seems that I was missing a global variable in my function, hence why the previous code was returning NULL. However this still does not solve my problem..

    I have isolated some of the code to identify what could possibly my error. I am now sure it is not taxonomy issue as you suggested.

    The foreach loop is repeating the last item of the array. I am not sure if this has anything to do with ACF but I followed instructions from other forums regarding the rest of the code and it still does not work. Hope you can help.

    $select_fields = array( 'boat-bow', 'boat-stern',);
    foreach ( $select_fields as $var ){ add_filter('acf/load_field/name=' . $var . '-select', load_select ); }
    function load_select () {    
    global $var;
  • try removing the comma (,) after boat-stern. This is creating a 3rd array element that is NULL

  • Hi John,

    It did not change anything. The foreach loop is still repeating the last item of the array.

  • It is not possible for this too loop more than twice

    $select_fields = array( 'boat-bow', 'boat-stern');
      foreach ( $select_fields as $var ){ 
        add_filter('acf/load_field/name=' . $var . '-select', load_select );
    // function should be outside of loop                                                
    function load_select () {    
      global $var;
  • It still does not work though.

    var_dum ($var) returns string(17) "boat-stern" string(17) "boat-stern"

    I used the same piece of code as you.

    $select_fields = array( 'boat-bow', 'boat-stern');
    foreach ( $select_fields as $var ) { 
        add_filter('acf/load_field/name=' . $var . '-select', load_select );
    function load_select () {    
      global $var;
  • Hi John,

    I found the solution to this problem by using php function ‘use’. See below.

    Thanks for your help!

    $select_fields = array( 'cornices', 'bedrooms-flooring' );
    foreach ( $select_fields as $var ) {
    add_filter('acf/load_field/name='.$var.'-select', function ( $field ) use ($var) { 
    // some code using $var
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