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Load Repeater Images via AJAX

  • Hey all,

    I have a Gallery page on a site I’m working on with multiple galleries (repeater), which have multiple images associated with them (also repeaters). So essentially, I have repeaters within repeaters

    What I’m trying to do is display a main gallery thumb which is clickable, which loads the other gallery thumbs via AJAX in to a div, which in turn are clickable to show as fancybox images

    Here is the ACF setup in case you don’t understand:

    GALLERIES (repeater field)
    – Gallery Name (text field)
    – Gallery Main Thumb (this is the first displayed image on the page – image field)
    – Images (Gallery images – repeater field)

    So far, i’ve got the loop done for the galleries themselves displaying the Gallery Name and Gallery Main Thumb like this:

    <div id="frame">
       if(have_rows('gallery')) : while(have_rows('gallery')) : the_row();
       $image = get_sub_field('gallery_thumb');
       $size = 'thumbnail';
       $thumb = $image['sizes'][ $size ]; ?>
       <div class="gal">
    	<a href="#" title="View Gallery"><?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image, $size ); ?></a>
    	<div class="overlay"><?php the_sub_field('gallery_name'); ?></div>
       <?php endwhile; endif; ?>
       <div id="images">
    	<!-- gallery images here via AJAX -->

    As you can see, I want to click the image in the “gal” div and load the subsequent images in the “images” div…

    Any ideas?


  • Any progress with this? I’m trying to do something similar, but pulling values from a repeater field in another page to a popup box on another. I’ve managed to get the first result, using ajax, but I’m unsure how to pull in all of the values.

    This is my code that’s pulling in a single value from the repeater field:

    $field.change(function () { // $field = select dropdown
    	var post_id = $(this).val(); // value of select dropdown = page id where repeater is located
    	var postData = {
    		action : 'data_fetch',
    		'post_id' : post_id
    	var $customList = $(this).closest('.acf-row').find('#modal .checkbox-list-custom'); // element I'm displaying data in (i have multiple divs I want to populate with values)
    	$.post( ajaxurl, postData ).done(function(result) {
    		var resultLower = result.toLowerCase();
    		var result = $('<li><label><input id="test" type="checkbox" value="'+resultLower+'">'+result+'</label></li>');
    		$customList.empty(); // emptying the div of any previous data
    		$customList.append(result); // appending results to div
    	$(this).closest('.acf-row').find('#modal:eq(0)').addClass('visible'); // making relevant div visible after the above has completed
    add_action('wp_ajax_data_fetch', 'data_fetch'); // logged in users
    add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_data_fetch', 'data_fetch'); // other users
    function data_fetch(){
    	$post_id = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'post_id' );
    	$array = array();
    	if(have_rows('new_colour', $post_id)) :
    		while(have_rows('new_colour', $post_id)) : the_row();
    			$array = get_sub_field('colour_name', $post_id);
    			foreach ($array as $item) {
    				$array[$array] = $item;
    	wp_send_json($array); //Use WP send json function

    I don’t know whether my partial answer will be of any use, but if you manage to adjust any of it to pull in all values I’d be very interested in seeing what you come up with.

  • Hey,

    Cheers for the reply. I ended up doing it a completely different way in the end! Couldn’t figure it out.

    Your code is very very similar to what I had (before I changed it) except my div to lad the content in was on the same page as the clicked link

    I hope someone else knows a way of achieving it, as I’m sure someone else will want to know how to do it some day!

  • No problem! This seems to be one of the few things that isn’t documented all that much anywhere. I feel like I’ve looked through all of Google so far! Haha.

    Seems like it’s something a few people are looking to achieve, but yet all I find it people pointing people to the “Dynamically populating a select field” post, which I’m sure you’ve probably seen as well!

    Hopefully something relating to this issue appears soon.

  • As if by magic, I’ve managed to pull the values in from my repeater field! This is the code I’m using:

    add_action('wp_ajax_data_fetch', 'data_fetch'); // logged in users
    add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_data_fetch', 'data_fetch'); // other users
    function data_fetch(){
    	$post_id = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'post_id' ); // post id passed from select value via ajax
    	$array = array(); // setup empty array
    	$rows = get_field('new_colour', $post_id); // repeater field
    		foreach($rows as $row) // foreach for each repeater row
    			$array[] = '<li data-id="' . esc_attr( $row['unique_id'] ) . '"><label><input type="checkbox" value="' . get_the_title($post_id) . " - " . $row['colour_name'] . '">' . $row['colour_name'] . '</label></li>'; // stuff I want to display on the div I'm appending the repeater values to
    	wp_send_json($array); //Use WP send json function - send data back to the page I'm displaying the div on
    $field.change(function () { // $field = select dropdown
    	var post_id = $(this).val(); // value of select dropdown = page id where repeater is located
    	var data = {
    		action : 'data_fetch',
    		'post_id' : post_id
    	var $customList = $(this).closest('.acf-row').find('#modal .checkbox-list-custom'); // element I'm displaying data in (i have multiple divs I want to populate with values)
    	$.post( ajaxurl, data ).done(function(result) {
    		$customList.empty(); // emptying the div of any previous data
    		$customList.append(result); // appending results to div
    	$modal.removeClass('visible'); // hide other open divs for additional select relationship field drop downs
    	$(this).closest('.acf-row').find('#modal:eq(0)').addClass('visible'); // making relevant div visible after the above has completed

    Ended up swapping the while loop for a foreach loop, which for some reason made all of my code start working. Not really sure why, but my headache has disappeared!

    The only thing I’ve not yet done is add in the relevant code to save the metadata to the post, but I’ll try and get that working correctly tomorrow probably.

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