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Load JSON on Plugin Install [not working]

  • Hey there!

    First, thanks 100X for ACF. Best way to build powerful themes and plugins!

    I have ACF bundled in a plugin, working great. But i’m having trouble bundling my ACF fields on install. I have followed the steps on the local json page, and it updates my acf-json dir (in plugin) with json file. I also added the load_json function, and it uses the same working path as the save_json function (from the local json page).

    But when I copy and install this plugin into another WP install, none of the fields automatically load. When should this init? How can I debug this?

    Also – I saw this section on the local json page

    The wp-admin field group edit screen will not load data from local json files. This functionality will hopefully soon make it’s way into the plugin.

    I’m hoping to see the bundled fields in the field groups section on install. When I manually upload the files, the fields load accordingly.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

  • Ha — I found the ‘solution’.

    I had set my ACF fields to display on an options page. The fields were loading there the entire time, but not on the ACF Field Group screen.

    Just like in the blockquote above says, you will not see the fields in the view/edit field groups screen. You’ll see them where the settings were set to at export.

    Hopefully that saves someone time!

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