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Hi Guys,
I have created a settings page, in it I have a flexible content field with 2 sub fields.
On a Post I have another flexible content field, identical to my settings page, I am trying to take the values entered on the setting page and have them populate on the post as “default values”.
Here is the code I am trying, but its not working, it keeps creating empty fields on my post and messes up the field group also!
function acf_load_deliverables( $field ) {
$field = array();
if( have_rows('deliverables', 'option' )){
// loop through the rows of data
while ( have_rows('deliverables', 'option') ) : the_row();
if( get_row_layout() == "new_deliverable" ){
$field = array(
'acf_fc_layout' => 'development_deliverables',
'deliverables' => get_sub_field('deliverables'),
'days' => get_sub_field('days')
else {
echo "no rows";
echo "<br />";
echo "no rows";
return $field;
add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_5d0b74c37ad29', 'acf_load_deliverables');
Does anyone have an example of this working I could reference?
I got this working, here is the code encase anybody has the same problem:
function copy_Dev_settings( $field ) {
if ( is_edit_page(‘new’) ) { // only populate for new posts
//echo “this is a new post!! <br />”;
if( have_rows(‘deliverables’, ‘option’ )){ // if there are values on the settings page for this option
$value = array();
while ( have_rows(‘deliverables’, ‘option’) ) : the_row(); //starting at a specific row
if( get_row_layout() == “new_deliverable” ){ //set the layout for the flexible content field
$acf_fc_layout = ‘new_deliverable’; //set the values for layout and each sub field
$deliv = get_sub_field(‘deliverables’);
$days = get_sub_field(‘days’);
if ( $acf_fc_layout == ‘new_deliverable’ ) { // apply the values to the correct layout and fields using the key value for that sub field
$value[] = array(
‘acf_fc_layout’ => $acf_fc_layout,
‘field_5d0c21f3e31e1’ => $deliv,
‘field_5d0c220ce31e2’ => $days
else {
echo “cannot find development deliverables row layout”;
//echo “<br />”;
$field[‘value’] = $value; //assign the values to the field value array
echo “nothing”;
return $field; //return the full field array to the page/post etc
add_filter(‘acf/load_field/key=field_5d0b74c37ad29’, ‘copy_Dev_settings’);
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