Is this possible at all? Maybe I could set things up differently and avoid this issue.
I have these two different types of posts; one is Ships and one is Destinations (its for a cruising site). When I create my ship article I want to add as much data to it as possible, including the types of cabins it has. When I later create a destination, I want to mostly just choose a ship and get all its data co-joined with this post. There may be different prices and/or info regarding the cabin choices for different trips. The ideal scenario here would be to simply link in (relate to) the cabin types from the ship article and then apply additional info to them. Any ideas?
i think it is possible.
you can link 2 posts with help of relationship fields.
based on that you have a post for each ship, and apost for each destination:
with help of relationship-field you can show data from linked destination at ship site.
and/or data from linked ship site at destination site.
(but as far as i know only at fronend, not at backend)
maybe you need an additonal post prices, with 2 relationship fields (one for ships, one for destinations)
hope that help you to find a solution that fits your needs
Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough, I was only referring to WP Admin in this case. Linking the two at the front is not a problem.