I’m having some trouble with this site that I’m working on: http://box5159.temp.domains/~brettdev/valueinspiration/
When we use ACF to display YoUTube videos they play fine but for some reason, it isn’t playing the Vimeo URLs.
In the admin panel, we’re entering the Vimeo video URL like so: https://vimeo.com/248950293
Then using:
$video = get_sub_field('video');
echo $video;
To display the videos.
I’m still no closer to resolving this. If anyone has any feedback it’d be greatly appreciated.
Thanks 🙂
Hello, we are also having the same problem.
Are you using an oembed field?
Yes, inclusive YouTube links usually
I just tried using an oembed field with the link provided by the OP and it seems to be working as expected. Does the video appear in the acf field in the admin after inserting the url in the oembed field?
Vimeo – when inserting the link the video does not appear in the admin
Youtube – appears normally
Just checking, could this have something to do with the block editor?
I would look for plugin conflicts or JS errors. I cannot recreate the issue.
Okay John, I imagine it’s some plugin incompatibility, I’ll try something and if I’m new I’ll let you know. Thanks!