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Import to ACF OpenStreetMap Field

  • I’m using for adding map to posts.

    I would like to import posts from CSV file.

    Serialized array returned from field looks like:
    a:5:{s:10:"center_lat";s:16:"50.3061818714249";s:10:"center_lng";s:17:"21.46160423755646";s:4:"zoom";s:2:"17";s:6:"layers";a:1:{i:0;s:14:"HERE.hybridDay";}s:7:"markers";a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:13:"default_label";s:63:"Wojska Polskiego 39-300 Mielec województwo podkarpackie Polska";s:3:"lat";d:50.306037971972373;s:3:"lng";d:21.461829543113712;s:5:"label";s:63:"Wojska Polskiego 39-300 Mielec województwo podkarpackie Polska";}}}

    I was trying to import with WP All Import but when I insert new coordinates into “center_lat”, “center_lng”, “lat”, “lng” is not placing marker on map.

    Does anyone have experience with that field and can tell me how to import data to map?

  • Do you mean that you’re trying to edit the text of the serialized array before the import?

  • When I click “autodetect” in WP All import it shows me that serialized array but filled with data from other post. So I changed coordinates to importer variables like on screenshot attached to previous post.

    “center_lat” and “center_lng” are imported correct but “lat” and “lng” are “undefined”

  • You can’t just change a value that is serialized. I’ll explain why with part of your example
    a:5: what follows is an array with 5 elements
    { start of first element
    s:10: what follows is a string that is 10 characters long
    "center_lat"; the index/key of the first element
    s:16: what follows is a string that is 16 characters long
    "50.3061818714249"; the value of the first element

    You cannot change the text of a serialized array without adjusting each of the values in the string to adjust the length of that value.

    There is no safe way to edit a serialized array. Any error and you will loose all content. The only way to safely edit the values is to unserialize, alter the values in the array and then re-serialize.

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