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I’ve noticed that there is no function to retrieve all custom fields from a post which are generated by acf. And because acf has different types of fields, i needed a more complex function to get all fields and once without calling each field with get_field and the_field. so this is what i wrote. simply insert this themes template file where you need it (i.e. content.php):
$i = 0;
$fields = get_fields($post_id);
// unset some fields you don't want to output:
echo "<div class='data'>";
foreach($fields as $fieldname => $fieldvalue){
if($fieldvalue == "") continue;
echo "<div class='item'>";
$fieldobj = get_field_object($fieldname, false, array('load_value' => false));
echo "<div class='term'>".$fieldobj["label"]."</div>";
foreach($fieldvalue as $arrayvalue){
$newarray[] = $fieldobj['choices'][ $arrayvalue ];
$value = implode(", ",$newarray);
} elseif (isset($fieldobj['choices'][ $fieldvalue ])) {
$value = $fieldobj['choices'][ $fieldvalue ];
} else {
$value = $fieldvalue;
if($append = $fieldobj["append"]) $value .= " ".$append;
echo "<div class='value'>".$value."</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
this will generate a list like the one in the attachment.
Hi @nicmare,
Actually there is such a function 🙂
damn it ^^. then one could use it that way:
if($fields = get_field_objects()){
<div class='data row'>
foreach($fields as $field){
<div class='item col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3'>
<div class='term'>
<?php echo $field["label"];?>
<div class="value">
if(isset($field["prepend"])) echo $field["prepend"]." ";
$newarray = array();
foreach($field["value"] as $value){
$newarray[] = $field["choices"][$value];
echo implode(",",$newarray);
} else {
echo $field["choices"][$field["value"]];
} else {
echo $field["value"];
if(isset($field["append"])) echo " ".$field["append"];
this will generate nice list with pre- and appended elements and will look for right labels for checkboxes/select fields
Yeah 🙂
It’s an easy function to miss as it looks so much alike the others. But I’m glad I could help! Be sure to really scan the available functions/actions/filters in the documentation before attempting something hacky, there’s actually quite a bit there!
dear jonathan,
i’ve noticed that the function sorts the array by field id. but you have an idea how to sort them like they are arranged in plugin settings (drag an drop order)?
Am I right in thinking that get_field_objects() only returns fields that have a value?
If so, is there a way to return all fields (empty or not) from the field group?
I’m looking to create a progress indicator that displays how much of the form has been completed.
@nobby get_fields
returns fields with values only.
– “Returns the settings of all fields saved on a specific post.”.
For your purposes I suggest to use the definition in acf-json
The only issue is that there is no API, meaning that if the structure changes,
your solution need to adapt to it.
unfortunately get_fields and get_field_objects aren’t interchangeable. If you replace the latter with the former you get a critical error, which is a pity because I don’t want to show fields that have no values, but I’d also like to show only whose fields form a specific field group. Is there a way of doing that?
@robpl1 Your issue seems simple. use get_field()
and display ONLY the fields with values. Just note that get_fields()
will return all fields, each will be diaplyed as in the former.
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