I have created a custom post type, called ‘centres’. This CPT is hierarchical, ie, I can create child pages under each custom post.
– Location1
– Contact1
Centre 2
– Location2
– Contact2
I’ve defined a custom field called phone_number. This field is populated at the ‘parent’ level. Ie, Centre1, Centre2.
I want to display the phone number on each child page. I don’t want to have to add the phone number every time to each page, so would like to get or inherit the phone_number field from its parent.
Simply speaking, I’d like to just add the shortcode [acf field="phone_number"] in any given child page (eg, contact page) and have it pull the values from it’s parent.
I’ve searched everywhere, but can’t find a solution. I’m a novice wordpress user (not a php developer). Is there code I can add into my functions.php file that can get the ACF values of a particular field (or all fields) from the parent?
Much appreciated.