I have cloned my server WordPress site to the local server and also imported all content of the site into local but when I check for custom fields, it has imported only fields, not its data.
I have tried by importing wp_options and wp_postmeta table from server to local. but then I cant see field value.
I am using many custom fields on my site. but if cloning my site I cant see its value. what is the reason behind this? and how I can import the values/data of custom fields from one WordPress site to another?
Please help me to resolve this ASAP.
Standard import/export will not work when data is based on any type of ID value (post ID including images, term ID, user ID, etc).
When moving a site I generally duplicate the entire database. I use phpMyAdmin to export the DB from the site and then import it into the new DB. Then I use a tool found here https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/ to make any DB changes that are needed (alter domain name if needed).
This can also be accomplished with some site backup and restore plugins.