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How to display an ACF taxonomy only when a second taxonomy name is present?

  • Either I’m daft or I’m trying to do more than is possible, let’s see which 🙂

    I have a custom posttype: ‘podcasts’
    This custom posttype has two custom taxonomies via ACF: ‘Shows’ and ‘Topic’.

    Topic is standalone taxonomy on posts, but is also applied to ‘Shows’ as a field (see screenshot).

    Making the right topics display on page alongside relevant ‘Shows’ was fairly trivial, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to go the other way and display a list of ‘Shows’ based on a specific ‘Topics’.

    For example I have /shows/sometitle/

    On that page I can easily display Show sometitle, with Topics A, B and C beside it and the relevant posts in the Show taxonomy beneath. I can do the same with other Shows.

    But I cannot seem to create /topics/nature/ and display Topics nature, with Show A, Show B, Show D beside it (perhaps Show C has a different topic).

    Is there a way to display the a taxonomy (shows) only when a specific second taxonomy name is also present (topics=nature)?

    Hopefully I’ve made sense, perhaps I’m going about this all wrong and there’s a better route to take?

  • I was being daft, please ignore 🙂

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