I use acf with woocommerce acf plugin.
The edit account form of woommerce user show my act fields without issue. The problem is the description is under the label which make the input field too low. Please check the screenshot for better understanding:
So I would like to place the <input> just under the <label> and the <description> at the bottom.
I searched in source code for the <p class=”description”>
I found it in wp-content/advanced-custom-fields/includes/admin/views/field-group-locations.php
And I moved the <p class=”description”> at the bottom (see screenshot):
I uploaded the edited file but I can’t see the change.
So I tried to make an override by uploading this PHP file other there:
But I couldn’t see the change.
DO you know how can I make this customization?
Hi, ANy update please?
Do you need more information for this issue?
The file you are editing does not control where the fields appear. It is a file that is used in the ACF admin.
ACF does not allow overrides of the it’s template files.
Where the fields appear is determined by where the hooks used for showing the fields are placed in admin page your fields appear on. There isn’t anything you can do to alter this without altering that admin page.