Tried in browser console:
acf.getField('my_field_name').val() - undefined
acf.getField({name:'my_field_name'}).val() - undefined
acf.getFields({name:'my_field_name'})[0].val() - actual value
What would be the correct and simple way to get a value by field name (not field key)?
ACF Pro 5.8.4
You can’t use the field name, you need to use the field key. Fields are not identified in the DOM by name. Names can be duplicated, field keys are unique.
Ok, thanks for explaination.
Using this workaround (edited) for now:
var val = (val = acf.getFields({name:'my_field_name'}).shift()) ? val.val() : '';
Thank you! It worked for me.
For repeater fields, do you know I can get value from each field and form an array?
Many thanks!