I’m trying to hide the custom fields if they’re empty. I looked up this article: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/hiding-empty-fields/, but I am still a bit confused.
The problem is that the HTML coding makes it a bit difficult for me to insert the PHP codes to hide them. Here is the HTML code I am referring to:
<div class="currents">
<div class="currentmood">
<strong>Current Mood:</strong>
<img alt="" src="" />
</div> <!-- .currentmood -->
<div class="currentmusic">
<strong>Current Music:</strong> Music here
</div> <!-- .currentmusic -->
</div> <!-- .currents -->
My goal is to hide an empty field, but still show the other field along with the DIV “currents”. But if both fields are empty, I want to hide the DIV “currents” altogether.
This is what I have so far:
<div class="currents">
<?php if( get_field('current_mood') ): ?>
<div class="currentmood">
<strong>Current Mood:</strong> <?php the_field('current_mood'); ?>
</div> <!-- .currentmood -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if( get_field('current_music') ): ?>
<div class="currentmusic">
<strong>Current Music:</strong> <?php the_field('current_music'); ?>
</div> <!-- .currentmusic -->
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- .currents -->
I would very much appreciate the help.