I would like to move Google Maps from being coded into my template to being a block. This is actually pretty easy with ACF. Custom Block → Google Maps-JS → done.
On the same page I use another block (“business location”), which includes Google Maps data (i.e. coordinates). In the pre-all-in-Gutenberg world I used to have these blocks parsed, their geo-data extracted and displayed on the Google Map.
I would like the same thing to happen, but inside Gutenberg and – even better – in real time: I add a new business location-block and I see a new marker on the Google Maps-block.
TBH, I do not even know where to start. Anyone interested in helping me out here? Pointers are enough, code samples make you the superhero you know you are!
This is my solution for now: In the business location-block I add some data-attributes to the html output. In the maps-block I basically do nothing, except parsing each (in my case: li) li.location for these data-values and add it as markers to the map. This works in the frontend only, but it works.