I am using the Listify Theme which uses the WP Job Manager plugin to list specific listing. Those listings act much like a traditional post or page except for the fact the listing editor pages do not process shortcode like the traditional posts and pages.
To attempt to rectify this issue, I have installed ACF Plugin, created my field group, selected wysiwyg editor field type, and linked the post type to the listing posts only.
Now when I’m editing the listing’s page, I see the option to load the shortcode I would like the see under the general listing information. My issues is figuring out how to apply the field to show on the front end of the website.
I’m not sure to which .php file I should be adding the .php code to:
– content-job_listing.php
– content-single-job_listing.php
– content.php
Everything I have tried has just caused the whole demo listing page to disappear. The demo page http://mycollegestreams.com/application/college/volunteer-state-community-college/ is the page that I cannot get the shortcode to respond on.
The demo page http://mycollegestreams.com/application/test-post/ is the page with just the shortcode working like I need it to on the listing page.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hi @tonybmalone
I’m afraid I don’t know which PHP file that your theme uses to show the listing either. If I’m not wrong, I believe it’s “content-single-job_listing.php”. To make sure, please ask the theme author instead.
Also, could you please set WP_DEBUG to true to see any error messages on the page? Please take a look at this page to learn how to set it: https://codex.wordpress.org/Debugging_in_WordPress.
I hope this makes sense 🙂