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Getting a PHP error: Undefined index…

  • This morning my website kicked up this error, displayed on the front end on Pages (but for some reason, not on Posts):

    Notice: Undefined index: name in /nas/wp-content/live/radsimple/wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro/includes/acf-field-group-functions.php on line 425

    I have no idea what to do. Running the latest version of WordPress (5.6). Please advise.

  • What is being done when the error happens? You need to look at the code that’s calling on something in ACF and track it back to figure it out. The error could be caused by any number or things and there’s no way to figure that out with just the error reported.

  • Nothing is being done to trigger the error. It just started displaying on the front end of the website this morning. This has all been working perfectly fine until now, so I am wondering if it is an incompatibility with wordpress core or one of the other plugins on the site.

  • When I said what’s being done to trigger the error I meant what code was at the root of the error. Your error indicates the…..

    Well, actually that line in the newest version of ACF is a comment, so I can’t really check on it. I cannot event find a reference to a ‘name’ index in the file.

    Are you using the most recent version of ACF?

    In any case, going by the file the error is in, something is passing a field group array that is missing a name to ACF.

  • I just uninstalled the Pro version and installed the free version instead. No more errors and everything is working fine. I am only using it for one Relationship field group, so the Pro version wasn’t needed. Thank you.

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