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get_field() not returning values on specific post ID for image

  • Newbie, here. I have added ACF fields to images in WP Media library. I believe that I’ve set up the fields correctly (in a field group) and connected the group to all attachments. When I go into the Media library, I see the fields and am able to edit them in wp admin. However, I am getting nothing when I do get_field in my PHP code (in functions.php). See code below.

    I’m referring to the post ID directly to assure context. Also, there will be several images on a single page, so I want to identify the one I’m talking about specifically.

    Any ideas?

    function artwork_shortcode($atts) {
    		// Extract the attributes
    		$atts = shortcode_atts(
    				'src' => '', // Default image URL
    		// Your PHP code here
    		$image_url = esc_url($atts['src']); // get the image URL from the shortcode attribute
    		$post_id = attachment_url_to_postid($image_url); // get the image post ID from the image URL using the WordPress function
    		$artfile = get_field('art-media-file', $post_id); // get value of a flag that this is art file media using the post ID
    		$title = trim(get_field('art-title', $post_id)); // get title using the post ID
    		$title = trim($title,'"'); // remove quotes
    		$year = trim(get_field('art-year', $post_id)); // get year using the post ID
    		$dimensions = trim(get_field('art-dimensions', $post_id)); // get dimensions using the post ID
    		$medium = trim(get_field('art-medium', $post_id)); // get medium using the post ID
    		$availability = get_field('art-availability', $post_id); // get availability using the post ID
    		$output = '';
    		if( $artfile && !empty($title) ) {  // if it's an art file with a title
    			$output .= '<div class="art-details-card">';
    			$output .= '<h2><em><strong>' . $title . ',</strong></em>';
    			if (!empty($year)) {
    				$output .= ' ' . $year;
    			$output .= '</h2>';
    			if (!empty($medium)) {
    				$output .= '<p>' . $medium . '</p>';
    			if (!empty($dimensions)) {
    				$output .= '<p>' . $dimensions . '</p>';
    			if ($availability ) { // if it's available
    				$output .= '<p><strong>AVAILABLE</strong></p>';
    			$output .= '</div>';
    		// Format the HTML code for the pattern
    		$debug_msg = '';
    		$debug_msg = '<!-- Vars: image_url = ' . $image_url . ', post_id = ' . $post_id . ', artfile = ' . $artfile . ', title = ' . $title . ', year = ' . $year . ', dimensions = ' . $dimensions . ', medium = ' . $medium . ', availability = ' . $availability . ' -->';
    		$html_out = $debug_msg . '
    		<div class="art-container" style="position: relative;">
    			<img src="' . $image_url . '" alt="Artwork image" />
    			'. $output . '</div>';
    		return $html_out;
    add_shortcode('artwork', 'artwork_shortcode');
  • Are you sure that this is returning the correct post ID?

    $post_id = attachment_url_to_postid($image_url);
  • I solved this by first getting the field group and then individually addressing each one:

    // Extract the attributes
    		$atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'src' => '',  ), $atts, 'artwork');
    		// Your PHP code here
    		$image_url = esc_attr($atts['src']); // sanitize the image URL from the shortcode attribute
    		$post_id = attachment_url_to_postid($image_url); // get the image post ID from the image URL using the WordPress function
    		$artwork = get_field('artwork', $post_id); // get artwork field group
    		$artfile = $artwork['artfile']; // get value of a flag that this is art file media
    		$title = trim($artwork['art-title']); // get title
    		$title = trim($title,'"'); // remove quotes
    		$year = trim($artwork['art-year']); // get year completed
    		$dimensions = trim($artwork['art-dimensions']); // get dimensions
    		$medium = trim($artwork['art-medium']); // get medium
    		$availability = $artwork['art-availability']; // get availability
  • I’m still having trouble with true-false values. In the above example, there are 2 true-false switches (checkboxes):

    $artfile = $artwork[‘artfile’];
    $availability = $artwork[‘art-availability’];

    From what I read in the documentation, these should be returning 1 for true or 0 for false. However, they are returning empty, regardless of being checked or not. Any ideas?

  • $post_id = attachment_url_to_postid($image_url);

    This code is returning the correct post ID, by the way. I am able to retrieve the text values correctly using get_field on the field group, and then grabbing the array values by field name; except for the true-false fields.

  • Was able to get it working! Thank you for the help!

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