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Get taxonomy of post object

  • Hello
    hope somebody has an idea how to solve this:
    I have CPTs like ‘case studies’ as well as ‘clients’ – the ‘client’ CPT has a taxonomy called ‘industry’.

    the custom fields for the ‘case studies’ show a field ‘client’ which gets populated by the CPT client – what I like to have as well though is when I add/edit a case study and select a client I’d like to have a field that would show me the ‘industries’ attached to that specific client and then in my ‘case study’ template I’d like to show the client name as well as the industry attached to that client.

    is that even possible – hope somebody can get me going.
    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • There isn’t any way in ACF to do what you want without adding custom JavaScript as well as AJAX to populate the field. There are no examples that I know of for your specific case.

  • Thanks for your link – I’ll give it a try.

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