What is the best way to add a general title to a Gallery field type?
A quick and dirty way would be to add a text field just above the gallery field, but I am thinking there must be something better, ideally something that would save the gallery title as an attribute of the gallery.
Is there something like that?
Thanks for reading!
If you wanted an un-editable title that you add when creating the field you could add a new field setting https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/adding-custom-settings-fields/ but I don’t think that’s what you want.
The only way to have a title that can be edited when adding the gallery would be the way you suggest. Either that or building a custom field type based on the gallery field, adding a new field and then storing the information in a different way than ACF does it. https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/creating-a-new-field-type/. ACF stores an array of post IDs for the images in the gallery. There is nowhere to store other information.
Thank you for the detailed reply, John!