The websites we build mainly consist of ACF fields. We don’t use Gutenberg at all and the Classic Editor plugin is installed on every single website.
My question refers to the ACF Wysiwyg fields:
Let’s say the Classic Editor won’t be available some day (maybe in 2023, 2024, …). What would that mean to all our existing ACF Wysiwyg fields? Are they dependent on the Classic Editor? Will they still work? Will ACF include its own copy of TinyMCE?
I would appreciate any kind of clarification or hints on future plans.
Thanks a lot.
I feel the same way. I don’t event use the classic editor, though I have it installed. I have it hidden on all sites I build and use only ACF WYSIWYG fields.
I can’t really answer all of your questions. You should contact the developer.
Guberbug includes a classic block, this classic block uses tinyMCE.
As long as this block exists then tnyMCE will always be included in WP.
Even if this goes away I am confident that Elliot will find a way to keep the WYSIWYG field working.
But like I said, for a definitive answer you’d need to ask the developer.
Thank you. I opened a ticket.
Elliot replied:
“Good question. The WYSIWYG field does rely on WordPress including the tinymce library, but I can assure you that we will always maintain this field, even if WordPress were to completely remove this library from core :)”
Good to hear! 🙂