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front end field no input – showing only update button

  • Hello,

    If I add front end filed to single.php is showing input field and update button on articles, but If I add same field to social articles is showing only button for update.

    I add field to bottom of template to show filed after editor like:

    $sa_content_config = $this->get_config();
    <div class="sa-field-front sa-field-content" style="width: calc(<?php echo $this->get_width();?> - 30px)">
        <div class="editor-container">
            <span class="titlelabel"><?php echo $sa_content_config['field_config']['label']; ?></span>
            $editor_id = $this->slug;
            $settings = array(
                'quicktags'     => false,
                'textarea_rows' => 15,
                'media_buttons' => false,
                'teeny' => true,
                'theme' => "simple"
            if($sa_content_config['field_config']['advance'] == 'true'){
                $tinymceButtons = array('formatselect','|','bold','italic','underline','strikethrough','blockquote','|', 'link','|', 'alignleft','aligncenter','alignright','alignjustify','|','numlist','bullist','outdent', 'indent', '|', 'undo', 'redo', 'removeformat', '|', 'fullscreen');
                $settings['tinymce'] = array(
                    'toolbar1' => implode(' ',$tinymceButtons),
            wp_editor( $this->get_data($article_id, $_POST), $editor_id, $settings);
        <div class="price_field">
              <p>Field text: <?php the_field('price_field'); ?></p>
               <?php acf_form(); ?>

    Also if I add acf_form_head(); in single php and in template file for field in social articles can’t scroll on articles anymore:


    Post type is set to post because there is no post type for social articles.

    Thanks for help,


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