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flexible content inside flexible content

  • Hi,
    i’m trying to use flx content inside flx content.
    my loop identify the different layouts but does not display the fields within the inner flx content.

    this is my code:

    			if (get_field('form layouts')) {
    				while (has_sub_field('form layouts')) {
    					if (get_row_layout() == "flx_right_img") {
    						$right_image = get_sub_field('right_mian_img');
    						<section id="wrapper">
    							<div id="main-content" class="row">
    								<div class="topHeader col web-100 tablet-100 mobile-100" style="background-color: <?php the_sub_field('right_bacjground_color_head'); ?>">
    									<div id="Asighnment"><?php the_sub_field('right_head'); ?></div>
    								<div class="col web-100" ></div>
    								<div id="right-bg" class="col web-66 tablet-100 mobile-100" >
    									<div class="imgWrp">
    										<img src="<?php echo $right_image['url']; ?>" alt=""/>
    								<div id="form3" class="col web-33 tablet-100 mobile-100">
    									<div id="form-body" class="fields-wrp">
    							if (get_sub_field('right_flx_inputs')){
    								while (has_sub_field('right_flx_inputs')){
    									if (get_row_layout() == 'flx_text'){
    									echo '<div class="field-holder">
    										<label>' . the_sub_field('text_lable') . '</label>
    											<div class="input-holder">
    												<input data-form-id="form3" data-msglbl="' . the_sub_field('text_id') . '" data-defmsg="' . the_sub_field('err_msg') . '" class="req" type="text" name="' . the_sub_field('text_name') . '" placeholder="' . the_sub_field('text_placeholder') . '" />
    												<label id="' . the_sub_field('text_id') . '" class="errorMsgLbl errorMsgText"></label>
    									elseif (get_row_layout() == 'flx_textarea'){
    										echo '<div class="field-holder">
    										<label>' . the_sub_field('textarea_lable') . '</label>
    											<div class="input-holder">
    												<textarea data-form-id="form3" data-msglbl="' . the_sub_field('textarae_id') . '" data-defmsg="' . the_sub_field('textarea_err_msg') . '" class="req" type="text" name="' . the_sub_field('textarea_name') . '" placeholder="' . the_sub_field('textarea_placeholder') . '" ></textarea>
    												<label id="' . the_sub_field('textarea_id') . '" class="errorMsgLbl errorMsgText"></label>
    							} ?>
    			<?php	}
    			} ?>


  • The function you’re using has_sub_field() is outdated and does not work well with nested flex fields as noted on this page

    You should be using have_rows() which is documented here

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